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Going Beyond the GED

Step 2: Reflect on this research and your practice

  1. Write a one-minute paper on what impressed you most about the readings.

  2. Reflect on the following questions:

    • How might the findings or practices in these articles be applicable to your context?
    • Students question you as to why they should continue in school after receiving their GED credentials. How would you answer? How might you get students to understand how important continuing on is?

  3. NCSALL developed some classroom materials to help teachers explain the importance of continuing in school after receiving their GED credentials. These classroom materials provide learners with practice in graph and chart reading, calculation, analyzing information, and writing while examining the labor market, the role of higher education, and the economic impact of the GED credential. The materials are based on NCSALL’s GED Impact research and assist students in making decisions about their work lives while preparing for the GED. Teachers gain useful information for advising students on career and educational decisions.

    Learn why it is important for students to understand the economic impact of the GED. Preview the lessons and think about how your students might benefit from the lessons.

  4. Now read this article on transition programs and reflect on it in the context of your own situation.

    "A Model for Adult Education-to-Postsecondary Transition Programs." Alice Cain Johnson, Focus on Policy, Volume 1, Issue 1, April 2003.

    In this article the author describes the New England ABE-to-College Transition Project, sponsored by the New England Literacy Resource Center, as an example of a program designed to help students transition from GED to postsecondary courses, a need identified through Reder’s research. This transition project serves 700 students in six states through free, pre-college reading, writing, and math courses and education and career counseling. Students in these programs, which collaborate with postsecondary educational institutions, are also supported by peer mentors and participation in college survival and study skills courses.

    book Read the entire article. (Opens new browser window. Close it to return.)

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1. Read the research ::: 2. Reflect on this research ::: 3. Focus on your practice