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Adult Multiple Intelligences in Practice

Step 3: Focus on an aspect of your practice

  1. Choose one of the following activities to demonstrate what you learned from the research on adult multiple intelligences.

    • Draw a picture or create a collage to represent an activity/class based in Multiple Intelligences (MI) theory.
    • Identify a song or compose a song that reflects or summarizes MI theory.
    • Write a description of key components of a lesson inspired by MI theory.
    • Create a cause/effect chart of why MI-inspired activities/lessons were used in the situations described in the article(s) and their impact on students.
    • Make a cartoon strip depicting an activity/class based in MI theory.
    • Create a skit to demonstrate an activity/class based in MI theory.
    • Create a diagram representing the differences and similarities between MI-inspired activities and activities you are currently using.

  2. Reflect on the following questions:

    • How do you feel about having choices?
    • How did this help you understand the articles?
    • How do you feel about using MI-inspired activities with your learners?
    • What do you see as the challenges and rewards in using MI-inspired activities

If you are interested in reading more about adult multiple intelligences, check out the following resources: