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Adult Multiple Intelligences in Practice

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“Emerging Themes in Adult Multiple Intelligences.” Silja Kallenbach, Focus on Basics, Volume 3, Issue A, March 1999..

The author states that, while there is no one way to apply MI theory to teaching, some common instructional approaches emerge as the ten teacher researchers in the Adult Multiple Intelligences (AMI) Study investigate how MI theory can be applied to adult literacy education. The author argues that using an MI framework leads teachers to expand their instructional approaches, offer a variety of learning activities, and promote constructivist learning. She also determines that MI theory supports and validates multimodal teaching and that teachers learn more about students’ strengths and build on them in instruction. Kallenbach asserts that MI activities can engage students in material that they may have resisted and that students sometimes find it useful to reflect on their learning styles. She advises that developing metacognitive skills is a lengthy process and requires a sense of trust and community and a shift in the balance of power in the classroom. The author concludes that teachers learn more about students and increase their expectations of their students and of their own teaching when using MI-inspired instruction.

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