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Project-Based Learning

E. Auerbach, Making Meaning, Making Change. McHenry, IL: Delta Systems and Center for Applied Linguistics, 1991.

L. Curtis, Literacy for Social Change. Syracuse, NY: New Readers Press, 1990.

D. Fried-Booth, Project Work. Walton Street, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986.

A. Lawrence, "Expanding Capacity in ESOL Programs (EXCAP): Using Projects to Enhance Instruction." Literacy Harvest/Project-Based Instruction. New York. 6 (1), 1-9, 1997.

J. Merrifield, "Knowing, Learning, Doing: Participatory Action Research." Focus on Basics, NCSALL, 1 (A) 23-26, 1997.

J. Schwartz, "Assessment in Project-Based Learning: A Study of Three GED Students." Literacy Harvest/Project-Based Instruction. New York. 6(1), 27-28, 1997.

Web sites Related to Project-Based Learning S. Gaer,

A. Green, "Mothers United for Jobs Education and Results."1997-8 Project FORWARD Learning Project Summary.

D. Rosen, Inquiry Projects.

Adult Development

M. Basseches, Dialectical thinking and adult development. Norwood, NJ: Ablex, 1984.

M. Commons, F. Richards & C. Armon, Beyond Formal Operations: Late Adolescent and Adult Cognitive Development. New York: Praeger, 1984.

L. Daloz, Effective Teaching and Mentoring: Realizing the Transformational Power of Adult Learning Experiences. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1986.

R. Kegan, The Evolving Self. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1982.

R. Kegan, In Over Our Heads: the Mental Demands of Modern Life. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1994.