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Resources for Content-Based Instruction

English Digest, published by City Family, Inc., 444 Park Avenue South, Suite 402, New York, NY 10016. Subscription $5.95/year, $1.29 per copy. This is a bimonthly magazine for adult English language learners. Regular features include such topics as health, immigration, jobs, consumer information.

J.E. Friedenberg & C.H. Bradley, The Vocational ESL Handbook. (Rowley, MA: Newbury House Publishers, 1984.)

B. Garner, The Simultaneous Model of Education and Training: A Replication Manual. (Boston, MA: World Education, 1994.)

M.K. Gillespie, Learning to Work in a New Land: A Review and Sourcebook for Vocational and Workplace ESL. (Washington, DC: Center for Applied Linguistics, 1996.)

L. Haller, " Non-Fiction: Teaching First-Time Homebuying" All-Write News, September 97.
Find it at under Boston New Americans Homebuyers Project and then Teachers Writing.

T. Hutchinson & A. Waters, English for Specific Purposes: A Learning-Centered Approach. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987.)

L. Mikulecky, P. Lloyd, J. Kirkley, & J. Oelker. Developing and Evaluating Workplace Literacy Programs: A Handbook for Practitioners and Trainers. Practice Guide PG96-01. (Philadelphia, PA: National Center on Adult Literacy 1996.)

K. Silc, How to Buy a Home in the United States. The Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL), in conjunction with the Fannie Mae Foundation, has developed free student worktexts and teacher manuals on home ownership for adult ESOL learners. A similar curriculum for ABE learners, by Marilyn Gillespie, is in press. Available from New Initiative of the Fannie Mae Foundation, (800) 544-9224.

T.G. Sticht, Functional Context Education: Workshop Resource Notebook. (El Cajon, CA: Applied Behavioral & Cognitive Sciences, 1997).

C. Van Duzer & M. Burt, English Digest Teacher's Tips. Published bimonthly, they give specific teaching suggestions for each issue of English Digest. To order, call Delta Systems, (800) 323-8270.