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Practitioners Speak

Contributing to a Research Agenda for Adult Basic Education

NCSALL's Practioner Dissemination and Research Network (PDRN)

July 1998

The National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy (NCSALL) is committed to conducting and disseminating research that is used to improve the practice of adult basic literacy education. As part of this effort, NCSALL has developed the Practitioner Dissemination and Research Network (PDRN). This network of practitioner leaders builds research connections between practitioners and NCSALL researchers. In the summer of 1997, practitioner leaders conducted focus groups with practitioners in their states. This report summarizes the results of these nine focus groups.

The focus groups were part of NCSALL's work in developing a comprehensive research agenda for the field of adult literacy, one of two research agendas NCSALL is helping develop for the field of adult basic education. In these agendas, the input of practitioners is combined with the input from administrators, policymakers and researchers. This document, however, provides an opportunity to hear directly from practitioners and to learn about the realities of practitioners' work.

The PDRN focus groups gathered data on three related questions:

The concerns of the teachers and program administrators fall into eight categories:

Participants in these groups asked for research that:

Practitioners in adult basic education are looking for answers and for stepping stones to improve practice. They expect research to address their concerns and many are eager to work with researchers in designing and carrying out studies that do so.

Full Report Available

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Caye Caplan
NCSALL Reports
World Education
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