Focus on Basics was the quarterly publication of the National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy. It presented best practices, current research on adult learning and literacy, and how research was used by adult basic education teachers, counselors, program administrators, and policy makers. Focus on Basics was dedicated to connecting research with practice, to connecting teachers with research and researchers with the reality of the classroom, and by doing so, making adult basic education research more relevant to the field.
World Education published three additional issues of Focus on Basics, on Health & Literacy Partnerships, Numeracy, and Learning Disabilities.
The list of issues published is below.
Click on the issue you wish to read. Please note: in order to download
and view PDF versions, you must have Acrobat
Reader version 4.0 (or newer) installed on your computer.
- Health & Literacy Partnerships - Sept. 08 (Issue B)
PDF version - Numeracy - May 08 (Issue A)
PDF version
Volume 9 (2008)
- Learning Disabilities - November 07 (Issue D)
PDF version - Self-Study, Health, GED to Postsecondary, Disseminating Research - November 06 (Issue C)
Text version
PDF version - Learners' Experiences - May 06 (Issue B)
Text version
PDF version - ESOL Research - November 05 (Issue A)
Text version
PDF version
Volume 8 (2005-2007)
- Corrections Education - September 05 (Issue D)
Text version
PDF version - Modes of Delivery - March 05 (Issue C)
Text version
PDF version - Workplace Education - November 04 (Issue B)
Text version
PDF version - Youth - June 04 (Issue A)
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Volume 7 (2004-2005)
- Transitions - February 04 (Issue D)
Text version
PDF version
- Curriculum Development - September
03 (Issue C)
Text version
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- "-isms" (Issue B)
Text version
PDF version
- Counseling - October 02 (Issue
Text version
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Volume 6 (2002-2003)
- Staff Development - June 02 (Issue
Text version
PDF version
- Literacy and Health - February
02 (Issue C)
Text version
PDF version
- Adult Development - October 01
(Issue B)
Text version
PDF version
- First-Level Learners - August
01 (Issue A)
Text version
PDF version
- Research to
Practice - April 01 (Issue D)
- Technology
- December 00 (Issue C)
- Mathematics
Instruction - September 00 (Issue B)
- Learning From
Research - March 00 (Issue A)
- Writing Instruction - December 99 (Issue D)
- Standards-Based Education - September 99 (Issue C)
- Accountability - June 99 (Issue B)
- Adult Multiple Intelligences - March 99 (Issue A)
- Project-Based Learning - December 98 (Issue D)
- Theories of Change - September 98 (Issue C)
- The GED - June 98 (Issue B)
- Learner Motivation - March 98 (Issue A)
- Content Based Instruction - December 1997 (Issue D)
- Multi-level Classrooms - September 1997 (Issue C)
- Reading - May 1997 (Issue B)
- What is Research? - February 1997 (Issue A)
Volume 5 (2001-2000)
Volume 4 (2000-2001)
Volume 3 (1999)
Volume 2 (1998)
Volume 1 (1997)
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from our publication, but please credit Focus on Basics and NCSALL,
and send a copy of the reprint to NCSALL, World Education. Thanks!